Category Archives: Pergolas

One of the considerations in short-term accommodations when travelling to Sydney or New South Wales is car parking. Though customers can be assured of booking a safe place to stay for themselves and their family, the same cannot be said for their vehicle, especially if a cantilever carport is not available.

Most short-term accommodations do have parking lots, but the areas are usually limited and exist on a first-come, first-serve basis. Furthermore, most parking lots are not covered. If you are a short-term accommodation provider, you can consider installing a cantilever carport along your property as an added service for your customers.

Extra Protection from the Elements

When regular bookings are the heart of your business, you would want to encourage guests to keep coming and keep coming back again and again. Your business interests revolve around drawing customers to stay at your establishment, providing them quality service and affording them with suitable facilities to make their stay pleasant and memorable. One extra service you can offer is additional car park slots. This can be possible by looking into the installation of a cantilever carport along your property. Usually made of hand-laminated glass reinforced with polyester, this structure can be attached to a home or a building without fuss.

With the addition of protected parking in the list of facilities of your short-term accommodation business, surely more guests will be drawn to stay at your property. You can even customise your carport to serve as an effective come-on especially for customers who travel by car.

Other additional features you can consider to install in your property are pergolas and patios. Not only will they provide your guests with protection from the elements, they can also serve as interesting highlights of your short-term accommodation.

Pergola roofing can be used as a walkway from the parking lot to your building, or can provide shade for a pleasant sitting area in the garden. Options include standalone structures or options that are attached to your property. Find out more about pergola roofing in Sydney by doing a quick search of suppliers online.

Patios can also be a charming extension to your property. With a patio, your short-term accommodation can have more space and guests can enjoy their meals al fresco while being one with nature without having the fear of being rained on or catching too much of the sun’s rays. Search for patios in Sydney online to get a better idea of what’s on offer in your area.

Additional shade structure in hotels can attract tourists to stay. If you want this perk, go for

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