Category Archives: Will And Estates Lawyer


Knowing what to expect from your family lawyer helps a lot if you’re getting the services due you. If you’re challenging a will, here are things your family lawyer should be doing to ensure you’ll get what you’ve been expecting.

Gives you full details on the grounds that apply to your case

Your family lawyer should be able to give you the details of your case. He should be able to explain the grounds of challenging a will and what applies best to your case. He should be able to discuss with you the validity of a will such as if the deceased was unduly influenced in making the will; if the deceased did not sign the will or if the will was revoked or made later by the deceased. Your lawyer should be able to advise you on the most appropriate grounds on which you can challenge a will or defend a will if you’re acting as the executor or beneficiary.

Advises you on the success of your claim

The best person to consult if you think you’re entitled to a claim provision in a will is a family provision lawyer. He could help you understand the circumstances when a person may have a claim under family provision act and under which circumstances and facts you can make the claim. He should be able to discuss to you the timing of filing a claim and the circumstances of late application. He should also be able to discuss effectively the grounds to make a claim or in challenging a will such as the nature and duration of your relationship with the deceased, your contributions to the deceased’s estates; promise made to you by the deceased, the size of estate and the financial needs of other claimants. Understanding these grounds will help you assess the success of your case.

Delivering his expertise at competitive rates

Most family lawyers working your claim on a Succession Act offer obligation-free or a no cost initial legal advice and your lawyer should be offering this.  If you’ll be getting his legal services, he should be offering his services at competitive rates and explain if you’ll be able to get your legal cost from the estate or advise you at the earliest possible time if you can’t obtain legal costs from the estate based on the merits of your claim. He should be able to explain all the circumstances where to obtain all of your costs.

Working with a lawyer helps in ensuring you’ll be on the right track when you’re challenging or defending a will and he should be at your side all the way in obtaining justice and what’s rightly yours.

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